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Featured Publication

The SAFP is proud to present the first featured reasearchers in our series aimed at highlighting the hard work and advances made by Air Force psychologists around the world.  Captain Erick Messler and Captain Louis Pagano, recent graduates from the JBSA Lackland Wilford Hall residency, took their work on the Brief Tobacco Intervention (BTI) during the residency research seminar, were co-authers on a published  article in the Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research, and presented their poster at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 2015 conference in Chicago, IL. Both graciously provided bios and permissions to provide the work below.  Click on pictures for full bios of each member, and take a look at their work which showed significant increases in perceived harm from tobacco use and significant reductions in intentions to use tobacco from the BTI, especially among current users.  

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